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Thursday, 12 December 2013


In theory beauty editors shouldn't be making makeup mistakes,but in reality, even the most experienced makeup mavens can mess up now and then.                                                                       MISTAKE NUMBER ONE:WEARING THE WRONG SHADE OF FOUNDATION -Foundation isn't supposed to give your skin a bit of a tan. After all, that's what bronzers are for. Instead, "it's supposed to create a perfect, smooth complexion and cover-up any imperfections. This is why you should always use a foundation which blends in with your skin." I recommends testing on your jawline (not your hand!) before buying, and when possible, ask for a sample first. That way you can try it at home -- and look at your skin in various lighting situations -- to make sure the shade you choose looks natural.                                                                                                                                  MISTAKE NUMBER TWO:APPLYING MAKEUP ON DRY AND FLAKY SKIN-I describe the results of slathering on foundation over chapped skin as "horrific," and we have to agree. Foundation will only emphasize the flakes by sitting on top of them instead of blending in with your skin. Fix the dryness by exfoliating regularly (to get rid of flakes) and following that up with a rich moisturizer. Smoother skin means a much smoother application and finished look.
MISTAKE NUMBER THREE:TRYING TO PLUMP UP UR LIPS-You've probably heard, or tried, the trick of lining just outside your natural lip line to make your lips look bigger. But it's way easier said than done. If you are going to attempt it,use a lip liner the same shade as your lipstick on the outer line of your lips, without passing over it. Fill in your lips as well -- that way if your lipstick fades, you don't wind up with only a line around your mouth.
MISTAKE NUMBER FOUR:OVER TWEEZING OR IGNORING UR EYE BROWS-"When [brows are] well groomed they can enhance your eyes and your entire look," So head to a professional to get an ideal shape. While you do want to tame overgrown brows, You don't want to tweeze too much. "As we get older, our brows naturally become sparser, so if you tweeze your brows too thin they might never fully grow back," . So just stick with cleaning up the area around your brows and follow their natural arch for your best shape                                                                                                  MISTAKE NUMBER FIVE:WEARING AN ENTIRE PALETTE ON YOUR LID- "Just because your compact came with four or more colors packaged together doesn't mean you have to paint them all onto your eyelids at once,Instead, I recommend wearing no more than three shades at a time: a medium one on your lids, a lighter one near your brow bone and a dark one as liner. But for everyday, you really only need a sweep of one shade across your lid.                                                                MISTAKE NUMBER SIX:TRYING TO SCULPT YOUR FACE- Yes, we would all love chiseled cheekbones and a dainty, ski-slope nose, but if nature didn't deliver, makeup isn't going to help. Contouring is best left to professionals, and only for photography or film. "No matter how skilled you are with the makeup brush, it's nearly impossible to use dark colors that aren't glaringly obvious when viewed in person, especially in broad daylight."Focus instead on pretty, soft makeup that plays up your best features."                                                                                                                              MISTAKE NUMBER SEVEN:WEARING GLITTER-  "The thing that bothers me the most about glitter in makeup is that it travels on your face, leaving strange sparkly spots where they shouldn't be.Instead of chunky glitter, I recommend shadows with finely milled shimmer -- used sparingly, of course.                                                                                                                                           

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